Creating a Healing Space for Black Girls with Reiki

Recently, I had the privilege of participating in a group Reiki session tailored specifically for Black girls. This gathering brought together a diverse group of young women, each with their own unique experiences and challenges.

To be honest, I was once skeptical about the power of Reiki. The idea of energy healing seemed a bit too abstract, almost too good to be true. However, by the end of the workshop, my doubts had doubts. I left the session not just convinced but deeply moved. There is a powerful role that Reiki healing can play in the lives of our girls.

Worry and fear can shape the minds of Black teens

So, as a start – let me confess that as the mother of teenagers, I have more worries for them than I can or should admit here.

On my list of worries are the “normal” things like personal safety, drugs, and sex. Of course, I check who their friends are and what they are exposed to..

Sometimes, I forget to consider all the things my teens are worried about.

And they are worried. Our teens face immense societal pressures and unique challenges that can weigh heavily on them.

While all teens are susceptible to toxic behaviour, misinformation, and bias, our girls face an added layer of challenges.

They not only encounter unrealistic beauty standards, but often, images simply exclude those who look like them. Moreover, unbalanced and sensational media stories are particularly problematic when they reinforce adultification, misogynoir, and stereotypes about us.

And not to jump on the anti-social media bandwagon, but it does seem to amplify these pressures.  The online world our girls increasingly inhabit lacks a sense of community or safety. Reading through social media comments, I sometimes find myself thinking, “Who hurt you”? The negativity on these platforms can significantly influence young minds. It can have young people believing that the filtered and distorted versions of reality are something they should aspire to.

Then there are our schools. The place meant to inform who they want to be and what they want to do often lacks Black teachers. Our education system still excludes Black voices and perspectives from its curriculum.  Oh, and the system is a place known for subjecting our girls to disproportionately high discipline and even racial violence.


What Reiki principles can teach our girls

Astra Marie Reiki  Teaches what the ancient healing can offer to our teenage girls. Astra posed on chair and smiling.

Given these challenges and the toll they can take on their mental health, it makes sense that we need more healing spaces for our girls.

Astra O’Reggio-Dwyer, a Reiki healer, offers this perspective: “If you don’t have guidance that looks like you and centers you, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the seductive world of social media—or any bright, shiny community that seems fun but doesn’t show you its true colours and is ultimately unhealthy.”

In her business, Astra Marie Reiki, she has seen the powerful ways energy healing can help Black women and girls.

“When you look at how our parents were raised, even if there was anger – underneath it was worry; underlying fear; what’s going to happen IF.

Astra’s experience reaffirms research which suggests this emotional trauma and worry is passed down through generations. Astra says spiritual practices aren’t the only way to manage inner turmoil, but Reiki services can help build a deeper connection to self. This self-awareness can be the most important tool for stress management we can give our girls to support their mental and even physical health.

“When you think about it, our whole existence for generations was based on worry. I feel like that’s been the foundation for so long. So when we look at any kind of healing, that’s a hard one to work through,” she explains.

These generational challenges are why Astra Marie believes there is immense power in offering our youth the opportunity to heal on a deeper level. Having discovered Reiki several years ago, she loves to introduce teens to this ancient healing practice.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that involves the transfer of universal life energy with the guidance of a Reiki healer to the recipient. It is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us. When this energy is low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed. When it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki aims to restore and balance this energy, promoting overall wellness and healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. When it comes to understanding what Reiki is, there is more we could go into – from the chakra system to crystal healing. People have commended Reiki therapy for alleviating their chronic pain and helping to reduce stress.

During a Reiki treatment, a skilled energy healer guides their client to get in touch with themselves, and their energy. Being mindful of this can help guide their decisions. A Reiki session encourages us to be present, focusing on the now rather than worrying about the past or future.

But as Astra explains, although we may not fully understand Reiki as a form of wellness, its core principle involves getting help to acknowledge and release worries and fears.

She explains that its core precepts encapsulate the teachings of Reiki.

“Just for today, I will not worry. I will not anger. I will be grateful. I will do my work honestly. I will be kind to every living thing.”

How Reiki helps our teens and children

For children, research has suggested that Reiki can help them manage stress and anxiety by teaching them how to calm their minds and stay grounded. It tunes them into their personal power. This can help foster emotional resilience to face challenges with confidence and peace of mind.

Moreover, Reiki promotes relaxation and reduces mental clutter.  This can enhance concentration and focus, which is particularly beneficial for academic performance and other activities.

By tuning into their inner guidance and intuition, children develop heightened self-awareness.

Reiki gives kids the tools to listen to their own voice and push outside voices to the side ultimately trusting themselves more.

For Black women and girls, Astra says, this can be a particularly powerful but not often celebrated part of our wellness journey.

“Black girls are often socialized to put others first – teaching girls to tune into our own needs is a transformative lesson in true self-care and teaches them to prioritize their own well-being and worth, no matter what they see in the outside world.”

But what does this look like in real life? I wasn’t sure until I sat in on Astra’s Reiki workshop for Black girls.

What’s possible when we introduce our kids to healing?

Gathered in a cozy room were just about two dozen Black teenage and pre-teen girls, each representing a vibrant mix of personalities. Some exuded TikTok fabulousness, clad in bravado and crushed velvet tracksuits. Others lingered shyly, uncertain about their surroundings and seemingly hoping to dissolve into the backs of their chairs.

This group Reiki session began with a warm welcome from Astra, who introduced the girls to the concept of Reiki and its benefits. She then asked each of them to write down one thing they struggled with and one thing they loved about themselves, and simply put it aside.

Astra’s first exercise – a meditation – prompted nervous giggles from the teens, many of whom seemed a little bit out of their comfort zone with the idea of closing their eyes and tuning into themselves. But as the workshop progressed, Astra skillfully guided them through exercises that hit close to home.

As the session unfolded, Astra introduced the teens to the concept of listening to their inner voice. First clearing their minds, and then encouraging them to consider the decisions they faced in their daily lives, from choosing high school courses to picking friends.

I don’t know if I can do the workshop justice. But what I can say is this – As she allowed them silence and space, Astra led a remarkable transformation. After each exercise, Astra skillfully, warmly peeled back layers of defences and helped these girls grow deeper understanding and empathy for themselves and others.

“Just for today, I will not worry. I will not anger. I will be grateful. I will do my work honestly. I will be kind to every living thing.”

Finally, in her last exercise, Astra posed a challenge to the group. She dared the room full of virtual strangers to share what they had written – the thing loved about themselves.

When girls were shy to sing their own praises, Astra pivoted. She asked girls in the room to point out what they loved about others. It started slow but soon it seemed Astra had opened a floodgate.

The TikTok fabulous girl received unexpected but obviously welcome praise. She glowed as someone complimented her on her sense of self and encouraged her not to lose that.

A young woman, who had earlier admitted to struggling with anxiety, found the courage to step out of her shell and, looking across the room at a girl she did not know, sincerely praised another shy-looking girl, reassuring her she was beautiful.

Suddenly, the shift in the room was palpable. Astra had given the girls time and space to reflect on themselves. Then, they built on this self-connection, learning what it felt like for their best selves to be seen and how their positive observations could impact the lives of others.

One of the most moving moments occurred when one young girl shared personal stories of her struggle to deal with the death of a sibling. The group came together and offered her their shared strength and a wave of empathy.

In a chaotic and overwhelming world, I watched Astra create a sacred space where Black girls centred themselves – where they could feel seen, heard, and valued.

It was a moment of letting go of fear and worry and embracing the power of community and self-love.

Image of a beautiful young happy woman walking outdoors in a spring park take a selfie by camera make peace gesture. In an article about creating a healing space for Black Girls with Reiki

I don’t know much, but I know Black girls deserve Reiki

As the session drew to a close, I couldn’t help but reflect on the profound impact of our time together. A skilled energy healer, Astra had led the group on what I can only call a spiritual journey. In less time than I thought it possible, she encouraged and affirmed the power of deep connection to self.

Astra explains why it was important for her and many Black Reiki practitioners to create workshops for young Black girls.

“Being Black you have a responsibility to take care of yourself first and many of us were never taught that growing up. Reiki and healing work remind you who you are – your essence your own energy. And that you need to honour and protect that”.

While some may be skeptical about Reiki and its benefits, the personal experiences and transformations I witnessed during the workshop made me a true believer. It demonstrated in tangible ways how healing opportunities like this can help Black girls lead more grounded lives, connected to and protecting their energy and prioritizing their own well-being. To me, this session gave these girls the kind of inner peace we can all use.

From a young age, worries can weigh down our children. This constant state of worry shapes how they see the world and themselves.

Whether through Reiki or other healing, there is no doubt that in today’s world, Black girls deserve a supportive and safe space where they can prioritize their well-being and nurture their sense of self-worth.

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